
Showing posts from April, 2020

BAASS Program managers held meetings in Brazil

An investigation by Marc Cecotti and Keith Basterfield In our previous articles we reported that investigators and translators from Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) visited Fortaleza and Sobral in the State of Ceará, Brazil, at least on one occasion in May 2009. Thanks to additional witnesses and documents, we have learned that the history of UFO events in Brazil was deemed important enough to send BAASS upper management to Saõ Paulo to meet with several UFO researchers. The purpose of those meetings was to gain more information about the UFO phenomenon in Brazil, to create possible cooperation with research organization, but also, according to those witnesses, to try and discover any technology associated with UFOs for possible spin-offs used in Bigelow Aerospace projects. BAASS managers in Saõ Paulo Marc Cecotti reached out to Brazilian UFO researcher Edison Boaventura Jr. from Guarujá Ufological Group (GUG). He confirmed that he met two BAASS employees for a ...

BAASS in Brazil - emails and more

Marc Cecotti and Keith Basterfield In our last article about BAASS and Brazil, we revealed that a team of four investigators came to Fortaleza and Sobral, in the Ceará region, to meet local UFO research groups; collect information, and records. Since that last article, Jãnder Tôrres, a member of CSPU in Sobral, Ceará reached out to Marc Cecotti. His testimony and the evidence he supplied give us a valuable insight, about the objectives and interest, of BAASS in Brazil and South America. A meeting in Sobral, Ceará, Brazil Asked how BAASS reached out to CSPU, a member of the group previously told us: “A friend received a call from these people and they just asked to attend one of our monthly meetings and they wanted to know if we already had any information about the UFO propulsion system.” Shortly before our last article was published, Jãnder Tôrres contacted Marc Cecotti to offer additional information. Tôrres is a 45-year old college professor and researcher with a PhD in ...

Further insights into BAASS in Brazil in 2009

A continuing investigation by Marc Cecotti and Keith Basterfield In our previous article about Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) we recounted how we were able to track down evidence for a BAASS trip to Brazil in 2009. A contractor for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP), it now seems pretty obvious, thanks to the work of many researchers, and our own investigation, that AAWSAP was basically a UFO research program, with the following objectives: field investigation of UFO sightings; collection of reports, case files, and other information to produce reports and create databases; and recovery of physical evidence, including metamaterials. We demonstrated how BAASS’ search for data and evidence, went far beyond the borders of the United States; and new information has recently surfaced, proving BAASS interest in UFO reports from China and Australia. Since our last article, we have not stopped loo...

BAASS visited Brazil

An investigation by Marc Cecotti  and Keith Basterfield Introduction Thanks to the great investigative work of Roger Glassel and Curt Collins, we learned recently of more details of Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) financial agreement with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON.) This partnership allowed BAASS to acquire data, field reports, witness interview transcripts and case files from MUFON, but also to identify the most important UFO cases across the United States, and then dispatch their own field investigators. But in recent weeks, we learned that the BAASS effort to collect information and physical evidence went far beyond the US borders. There have long been rumours that employees of Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies visited Brazil, during the time of the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP) contract. The two of us decided it was time to try and track down more definitive information about this alleged claim. In the...